
About ShaniVision

Welcome to the world of ShaniVision, where cinema transcends the screen and storytelling ignites the imagination. Rooted in the vibrant landscapes of Los Angeles, California, ShaniVision is the embodiment of a dream brought to life by the accomplished actress and visionary filmmaker, Sashani. With Jamaican roots that inspire a unique narrative rhythm, our mission is to craft cinematic journeys that explore the depths of human experience and connect with audiences on a profound level.

At ShaniVision, we believe in the power of film to break barriers and bring diverse voices to the forefront. Here, creativity knows no bounds, and stories waiting in the shadows are brought into the light.

Join us on a journey where vision meets horizon, and discover films that do more than entertain—they resonate, challenge, and inspire. This is ShaniVision: a place where the art of cinema is celebrated, and every project is an opportunity to explore new narratives, new landscapes, and new possibilities.